Sunday, May 17, 2020
Gelato Cheese Company Are They in Compliance with the...
Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to consider whether or not Gelato Cheese Company should make any changes in order to be in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). This paper will discuss the definition of Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and its application in employment decisions. In order to be employed at Gelato Cheese Company for its cleaning crew, it is required that you have a high school diploma/ or GED equivalent and at the present moment, the company whole cleaning crew is under the age of 30 and white. The case Gelato Cheese Company is a company that is a processor of cheese and it is sold throughout the United States, the†¦show more content†¦The reason why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies is because it has 100 employees in its cheese processing plant, which is above the minimum that is required for the Act to apply. The Gelato Company is involved in discrimination due to the fact that they hired an entire white cleaning crew, ignoring the fact that 25% of the minority that lives in Heartland Corners has a high school diploma, therefore showing that Gelato’s employment practice is extremely discriminatory and base their hiring of employees strictly on the race of the individuals. Age Discrimination in Employment Act â€Å"The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibited employers from discriminating against individuals who were 40-65 years old. The Act pertains to employers who have 20 or more employees for 20 or more calendar weeks(either in the current or preceding calendar year); unions with 25 or more members; employment agencies; and federal, state, and local government subunits†(Mondy, Wayne 2010 pg.62,63). Gelato Cheese Company’s entire cleaning crew is under the age of 30 and that makes them not in compliance with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act law. There are some major changes that need to be made at this company in order for them to not have law suits filed againstShow MoreRelatedMgt 515 Case 1 Gelato Eeo and Hrm2184 Words  | 9 PagesManagement 516 Module1 Case Study: Gelato EEO and HRM 2013 Professor: INTRODUCTION Companies operating in the United States need to be in compliant with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations. There are many laws that are governed by EEOC regulations but in this paper, I will review Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). I will apply these two laws to the Gelato company hiring practice operating out of Heartland
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Langston Hughes Essay - 797 Words
Langston Hughes Langston Hughes is regarded as one of the most eloquent of American poets to have sung the wounds of political injustice. While some of his poetry can be classified as non-racial most of it can be categorized as literature of protest. Hughes background and personal beliefs were quite influential in his writing and it is reflected in his tremendous discontent for the white mans world. Three of his works that that display this feeling and similar theme include The Negro Speaks of Rivers, Porter, and Refugee in America. Langston Hughes was born and educated in the South during what can be classified as Jim Crow years. Although through most of his career he did not really live in the South, he did not†¦show more content†¦The most obvious example is the word muddy which not only arouses a great deal of sensory image but also means black. He represents his race with the word mud. A major shift in this poem occurs when the speaker mentions the raising of the pyramids which was a slave practice of ancient Egypt. While this shows the point at which there was a major downfall in black culture there still seems to be an optimistic undertone for the future. In the end the theme seems to be this: If black society keeps pushing anything is possible and blacks could very conceivably return to a state of nature. Porter, another of Hughes works is representative of just how discontent blacks are with the white society in which they live. The speaker in this poem could be any member of black society who recognizes that black societys actions are what keeps them beneath the white man in terms of society ranking. Throughout this poem the speaker gives way to the wishes of the white man. This poem is directed to any black man who feels dominated by white society. This poem basically states that all day long black men play servant to whites who own the world. It also goes on to say that blacks do nothing more than obey the white mans every order with an endl ess number of yes sirs. There are two major examples of how connotation is utilized throughout this poem. The word climbing and the word owns both have alternateShow MoreRelatedLangston Hughes Biography1058 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"James Mercer Langston Hughes, known as Langston Hughes was born February 2, 1902 in Missouri, to Carrie Hughes and James Hughes.†Years later his parents separated. Langston’s father moved to Mexico and became very successful, as his for mother, she moved frequently to find better jobs. As a child growing up Langston spent most of his childhood living with his grandmother named Mary Langston in Lawrence, Kansas. Mary Langston was a learned women and a participant in the civil rights Movement. WhenRead More Langston Hughes Essay1356 Words  | 6 Pagesstands out as one of the most prominent figures of the Harlem Renaissance. Langston Hughes defined himself by his ability to pursue the true essence of â€Å"black folk†at a time when black identity, culture, or art was considered an oxymoronic concept. Hughes sought to explore the true identity of Black America even amidst criticism that his work was anti-assimilationist in its literary expression. Wallace Thurman, one of Hughes’ closest friends had this to say about the poet’s subject matter: â€Å"He wentRead More`` Dreams `` By Langston Hughes Essay1667 Words  | 7 Pagesimpacted the movement against racial inequality, Langston Hughes turned the pages with inspiring work. Whereas in Langston Hughes poem Dreams encourages people to achieve ones goals and goals for a community of people no matter what the obstacles are; Hughes illustrated this through using a lyrical style of writing and metaphors. Due to the lack of acknowledgment of African Americans cultural, social and artistic capabilities, Langston Hughes stood as the hero image for blacks everywhere. LikewiseRead MoreThe Langston Hughes570 Words  | 2 PagesLangston Hughes’ style of poetry renounced the classical style of poetry and sought out a more jazz and folk rhythm style. Most of Hughes’ poems were written during the Harlem Renaissance, named after the cultural activity African Americans participated in, such as: literature, music, art, theatre, and political thinking. William Blake, on the other hand, was a nonconformist who was associated with the leading radical thinkers of his day. Although, considered a lyric poet and a visionary, Blake’sRead MoreLangston Hughes Essay1084 Words  | 5 PagesLangston Hughes was a large influence on the African-American population of America. Some of the ways he did this was how his poetry influenced Martin Luther King Jr. and the Harlem Renaissance . These caused the civil rights movement that resulted in African-Americans getting the rights that they deserved in the United States. Hughes was born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. His parents divorced when he was young and his grandmother raised him. She got him into literature and education; she was one ofRead MoreA Brief Look at Langston Hughes1413 Words  | 6 PagesLangston Hughes Langston Hughes’ challenging background, ethnicity, and era of life can all be thought of reasons as to why his style of writing relates among discrimination and unsettling topics. Although his writing can be said to bring hope to the African Americans, his style can be frightening and daunting when taken the time to read his pieces. They may not seem real, but they are his way of interpreting and informing the future of what African Americans, like himself, had to go throughRead More Langston Hughes Essay670 Words  | 3 Pages James Langston Hughes was born February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His parents divorced when he was very small, and his father (who found American racism made his desires to be a lawyer impossible) left the family and emigrated to Mexico. Hughes mother moved with her child to Lawrence, Kansas, so she and he could live with his grandmother, Mary Langston. Langston Hughes mother moved to Topeka in 1907, leaving the five-year-old with his grandmother. Langston came from a family of African-AmericanRead MoreEssay on James Langston Hughes891 Words  | 4 Pages (February 1, 1902 - May 22, 1967) Born in Joplin, Missouri, James Langston Hughes was born into an abolitionist family. He was the grandson of grandson of Charles Henry Langston, the brother of John Mercer Langston, who was the the first Black American to be elected to public office in 1855. Hughes attended Central High School in Cleveland, Ohio, but began writing poetry in the eighth grade, and was selected as Class Poet. His father didnt think he would be able to make a living as at writingRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance By Langston Hughes1033 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom 1920 to around 1935. Even though this period was short, it still lives on though all African American artists today. According to in the article about Langston Hughes, there were many artist, musicians, and writers such as Langston Hughes, who was a huge part of the Harlem Renaissance period. Langston Hughes was a well-known poet and play writer. In the magazine called â€Å"The Crisis†his poem â€Å"Negros Speak of River†was published in 1921 and brought him attention in all the blackRead MoreBiography of Langston Hughes Essay1046 Words  | 5 Pages The well known poet Langston Hughes was an inspiring character during the Harlem Renaissance to provide a push for the black communities to fight for the rights they deserved. Hughes wrote his poetry to deliver important messages and provide support to the movements. When he was at a young age a teacher introduced him to poets Carl Sandburg and Walt Whitman, and they inspired him to start his own. Being a â€Å"darker brother,†as he called blacks, he experienced and wanted his rights, and that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Puritan Society In N Hawthorne free essay sample
# 8217 ; s # 8216 ; The Scarlet Letter # 8217 ; Essay, Research Paper The Puritan Society in N. Hawthorne # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; The Scarlet Letter # 8221 ; In the introductory study to Nathaniel Hawthorne # 8217 ; s novel the # 8220 ; The Scarlet Letter # 8221 ; , the reader is informed that one of the writer # 8217 ; s ascendants persecuted the Quakers harshly. The latter # 8217 ; s boy was a high justice in the Salem enchantress tests, put into literary signifier in Arthur Miller # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; The Crucible # 8221 ; ( Judge Hathorne appears at that place ) . We learn that Hawthorne feels ashamed for their workss, and that he sees his ascendants and the Puritan society as a whole with critical eyes. Consequently, both unfastened and elusive unfavorable judgment of the Puritans # 8217 ; patterns is applied throughout the novel. Hawthorne # 8217 ; s remarks have to be regarded in the context of the colonists # 8217 ; history and faith. They believe that adult male is a animal steeped in wickedness, of all time since Adam and Eve # 8217 ; s autumn from artlessness. To them, perpetrating the original wickedness strapped human existences of their ain free will, so that God now decides about their lives. Everything that happens is seen as God # 8217 ; s will, and Providence dramas an of import function. Through the forfeit and righteousness of Christ, nevertheless, there is a opportunity for people to be saved. One can non decidedly know who will be saved, although pious and faithful people are of class more likely to. The experience of transition, in which the psyche is touched by the Holy Spirit, so that the truster # 8217 ; s bosom is turned from wickedness to holiness, is another indicant that one is of the chosen. Faithfulness and piousness, instead than good workss are what saves people. If person has sinned, public confession is believed to take some of the load of this wickedness off him. The initial ground for the Puritans to go forth their places was the intervention they had to endure from in their native England. They were viciously persecuted and were non allowed to rehearse their faith, because they said that the beliefs taught by the Anglican church were against the Bible. When they arrived in the New World, they were confronted with legion menaces from the exterior. Their seeking to take land off from the Indians caused many battles and onslaughts. Furthermore, they had to cover with the entire wilderness environing them. Under these frontier conditions, they needed harmoniousness and peace inside the community in order to last. As a consequence, Hawthorne # 8217 ; s establishing male parents instantly saw the necessity to put up a prison, right following to the cemetery in order to maintain their colony together and stable. This shows that # 8220 ; the metropolis upon a hill # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; God # 8217 ; s seeable land on Earth # 8221 ; could non be put into pattern without penalizing and oppressing others. The prison # 8217 ; s door is made from heavy, antique oak and is secured with Fe spikes. The age of the wood symbolises another ground why the Puritan thoughts could non be realised without go againsting human nature, viz. that they came to a New World, but built their colony on an old-timer, even anachronic footing. Their pessimistic belief that the human species is doomed and has no free will besides contributed to the failure of their Utopia. The heavy expression of the door besides shows that people do non accept their penalty, and Hawthorne suggests that in its stringency, the Puritan c odification of jurisprudence is against human nature. These regulations and ordinances are largely straight taken from the bible, traveling so far that faith and jurisprudence can be called about indistinguishable. This is the ground why people look at workss we would non even see offenses as if they were capital wickednesss, demoing the same gravitation during the public penalty. Their manners of penalty are # 8220 ; indignations against human nature # 8221 ; , as perpetrators are publically humiliated on the pillory, non being able to conceal their faces. Hawthorne criticises this method of penalty in peculiar and the Puritan society in general with sarcasm by naming the pillory # 8220 ; as effective an agent in the publicity of good citizenship as the closure by compartment in France # 8221 ; . As has been pointed out in the debut, this manner of squealing and enduring publically was seen as a manner to assist the perpetrator. These inhuman treatments show the disagreement between the manner the Puritans behave and the original thought of Christianity. Most of them, for illustration the # 8220 ; morally coarse # 8221 ; adult females who cry at Hester, are non capable of forgiving, clemency or neighbourly love. They claim to be pure Christians, but what they really practise is a perversion of what Christianity truly is. Together with their hard state of affairs and their faith, the agony they had to digest in England partly explains their behavior. They were viciously persecuted themselves because they were thought to endange r the present order, now they persecute others for precisely the same ground. The Quakers, who believe that God can talk through every adult male and adult female and that everyone can be enlightened by God, are harassed because their beliefs question the hierarchy of the Puritan church. Those who are at the top of this hierarchy, most of them learned bookmans and work forces of great mind, are extremely respected by the citizens and are seen as # 8220 ; persons in family with angels. # 8221 ; The regard they earn even goes so far that they can straight hold on political power. Hawthorne shows that refering some of these reverends, this reputability and piousness is merely a veneer. They do non rehearse what they preach, Wilson for illustration environments himself in luxuries which are wholly out to the normal citizens. Furthermore, the reader learns that Hester # 8217 ; s vermilion missive gives a # 8220 ; sympathetic throb # 8221 ; when she passes by one of the curates, demoing that he has sinned besides. Besides the clergy and the soldiers, the solons are the 3rd group of the tripod that forms the basis of Puritan society. Although non every bit learned as the curates, they besides are respected by the citizen. Like the reverends, some of them besides enjoy the pleasances forbidden to the general populace, see for illustration Governor Bellingham # 8217 ; s house. They are leaders because of their experience, their familial fear and house character, non because they are intelligent or give new thoughts and urges to the community. As they can be easy replaced, they try their best to make what they think will assist and protect the community, demoing some of the better sides of the Puritan society. They are influenced by their traditions, portrayals are hanging everyplace, as if critically sing their posterities # 8217 ; actions. Therefore, they do non alter their head easy. Together with the strong belief that faith counts more than good workss, this histories for the fact that they need a really long clip to get down accepting Hester. The battalion of # 8220 ; simple # 8221 ; people does non experience suppressed by these taking categories as in most other states at that clip. On the contrary, they support them and the jurisprudence. # 8220 ; General sentiment gives jurisprudence its verve # 8221 ; , Hawthorne puts it critically. They are proud to be members of a community # 8220 ; where wickedness is dragged out to the sunlight # 8221 ; . In malice of the inhuman treatments they are capable of, Hawthorne in some instances attests them a # 8220 ; big and warm bosom # 8221 ; and even # 8220 ; tearful sympathy # 8221 ; . By and large, the common people are characterised by their glumness, but on the New England Holiday before the election, they seem to come to life. It is on that twenty-four hours and during the emanation that their English beginnings show. Hawthorne detects a # 8220 ; subdued contemplation of former luster # 8221 ; , a contemplation that wore off wholly in the class of clip ; the following coevalss were non at all capable of observing freely. Interestingly, the individual twenty-four hours of the twelvemonth on which Hawthorne depicts the Puritan crowd in high liquors is besides the twenty-four hours on which the contrast between the Old World they originate from and the New World they have come to and to a certain extent created becomes most obvious. The New World is full of pureness and piousness, strong emotions and feelings have to be suppressed. Merely when the colonists # 8217 ; roots are discernable from their actions, the disagreement between past and present can be conve yed to the reader. The election twenty-four hours is besides the lone clip of the twelvemonth when # 8220 ; uncivilised # 8221 ; people like Indians and crewmans add a small coloring material and # 8220 ; deepness of chromaticity # 8221 ; to the scene. Surprisingly, the instead wild and unsmooth crewmans are non frowned at, although they do non move harmonizing to Puritan Torahs. Those who chose to are even able to go integrated in the Puritan society, Hawthorne informs the reader, because a certain sum of regard is paid to them due to the difficult conflict with nature they fight every twenty-four hours. Nature is by and large seen by the Puritans to be something that has to be fought, as it presents the complete antonym to Puritan raising. Merely in the wood can Hester and Dimmesdale be # 8220 ; themselves # 8221 ; , and Pearl, a symbol of nature, is the topic of many rumors. The townspeople see her to be the Satan # 8217 ; s offspring. It is uncovering that when Pearl grows older and inherits belongings from Chillingworth, Hawthorne says that she could easy get married into a reputable Puritan household. All in all, it can be said that Hawthorne draws a differentiated image of Puritan society. Although rough unfavorable judgment of their practises prevails, he tries to see at least some good will and other favorable characteristics of his ascendants. However, he barely manages to.
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