Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nursing Reflection - 998 Words

In this essay, I will reflect on taking a patient; whom I shall call Bethany; to and from the theatre. This experience has helped me to understand the importance of parent’s participation in their child’s care. I have also gained a better insight into the type of nurse I will pursue to be. To help structure this essay I am using the framework described by Gibbs (1988). Using this framework, I have provided a strong reflection on the experience and focused on a more child-centred approach. Bethany is a 15-year-old girl, who was admitted to the theatre to have teeth removed and straighten impacted teeth. Before Bethany was taken to surgery, she was under observations to ensure the stability of her clinical status. This included making†¦show more content†¦However, I felt useless as although I was trying to divert the conversation, Bethany continued to ask questions about the surgery. I felt very inefficient as I was unaware of the procedure and so could not give an answer. This may have made Bethany more anxious. She preferred to speak to the nurse as it made her feel comfortable knowing she had someone to talk to who understood the procedure. The communication skills portrayed was vital as it meant that the nurse was able to answer any questions/concerns that Bethany or her mother had. This was proven effective as the patient’s heart rate was higher than normal on entering the surgery, but by talking to the patient, it helped her to relax. I also noticed that that the nurse made Bethany comfortable by ensuring that she had her own belongings, this included her teddy bear, nightgown and slippers. This relieved her anxiety as she had something familiar in an unknown place which calmed her nerves. There were a few aspects of the care that I was concerned about. Firstly, when we were called to collect Bethany from theatre, the nurse collected her 30 mins after the call had been made. I did not find this appropriate as waking up after a painful surgery, feeling numb can be scary, if I was in Bethany’s shoes, I would want to see my mother or the nurse as soon as I woke up. This was another problem I witnessed, as Bethany’s mother was not onShow MoreRelatedNursing reflection.12855 Words   |  52 PagesReflective Essay This essay will look at reflection on a critical incident that has promoted a positive outcome. It is not a very major incident but it stands out as it has a potential for learning. This essay will identify and explain Johns (1994) model of reflection and explain what reflection is and why reflective practice is necessary and how it can be used. Schone (1983) recommended reflection on critical incidence as a valuable term, sited in Ghaye and Lillyman (1997) a critical incidentRead MoreReflection in Nursing1478 Words   |  6 PagesNurseGateway  « 1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle  » Welcome Guest. Please Login or Register. Jun 26th, 2013, 06:57am NurseGateway Student Quarter Essay Bank (Moderator: Pure Maiden) 1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle  « Previous Topic | Next Topic  » Pages: 1 Author Topic: 1st year reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle (Read 1195 times) Pure Maiden The Administrator member is offline Read MoreNursing Reflection Paper858 Words   |  4 Pagesreflecting upon involved a situation in which I realized that I was an acquaintance of a patient my co-caring nurse was preparing to admit to the unit. For confidentiality reasons, this person will be referred to as Betty for the remainder of this reflection. I met Betty about eight years ago, as I was a close friend of her brother. Although her brother and I grew apart, I would still occasionally see Betty around. Never did I think that I would ever see her on the unit in which I was working, butRead MoreReflection in Nursing2981 Words   |  12 PagesIntroduction This essay will demonstrate my reflective abilities within an episode of care in which I have been involved with during my practice placement. It will discuss several issues binding nursing practice with issues of ethics and the model of reflection which provided me with a good structure and which I found most appropriate, is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). This particular model incorporates - description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and the action plan. I have examinedRead MoreReflection on Nursing Handover2240 Words   |  9 PagesREFLECTION on Nursing Handover I have decided to reflect upon the first time I did a nursing handover. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2004) Code of professional conduct, confidentiality shall be maintained and the patient’s name is changed to protect indentity. Reflective writing is considered a key component of portfolio assessment because it provides evidence of skills development and increasing clinical competence (Smith 2005). What is reflection? Reflection is definedRead MoreNursing Reflection Paper : Nursing Essay1107 Words   |  5 Pages Nursing Reflection Paper John Mwangi St Joseph School of Nursing Nursing can be a demanding career, but the benefits far much outweigh the challenges. Most importantly, it’s the rewards it offers by allowing an opportunity to make a difference in another person’s life through the provision of care when they need it. Just as Patricia Benner theorized in her book â€Å"Novice to Expert,† nursing encompasses both educational knowledge and extensive clinical experience acquired throughout one’sRead MoreCritical Reflection In Nursing1335 Words   |  6 PagesCritical reflection is vital to develop evidence based practice for safe and quality approaches to professional nursing practice. Nursing professionals should critically reflect on events to identify what health professionals might do to improve their practice and reduce the risk of a similar error. Reflective practice can help to learn from their mistakes, be empowered and most importantly to deliver best possible care to patient as nurses must work closely with their patients to develop a therapeuticRead MoreReflections Of A Nursing Student926 Words   |  4 Pages Reflections of a Nursing Student Chibuzor Eronini University of Alberta â€Æ' Reflections of a Nursing Student The interdisciplinary course is an essential pre-requisite for after degree nursing students. As a final year nursing student, I believe this course will help me to acquire the skills necessary for inter-professional practice. Furthermore, I will be able to develop competencies necessary to provide patient-centered care. 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This image, though iconic and attractive to some, is not accurate when applied to modern nurses. These people need and have far more capabilities, knowledge and education, as well as, the caring personality and character traits befitting one charged with the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Minimum Wage Should Be Raised - 1963 Words

This paper gives an insight on the debate whether the minimum wage should be raised to $10 an hour or not in the United States. There is a big debate in the United States regarding as to whether the minimum wage should be raised to $10 per hour, but before we go into details of the debate lets first understand what is meant by a minimum wage and how did it come into existence. A minimum wage is the lowest wage that is paid to workers by their employers, and the government legally sets it. A minimum wage is a price floor, workers are not allowed to sale their services below price, and the government legally sets the price (Neumark et al 2008). Although the minimum wage is put into effect in jurisdictions, there exist different opinions†¦show more content†¦As time went on, the justice of peace, who was in charge of fixing the minimum wage began also to fix minimum wages which where formal. In 1604, King James i) formalized the practice eventually for the labor that parti cipated in the textile industry. In the 19th century, the laborers statute was revoked as promoting capitalist England and embraced policies of laissez-faire, which were not in favor of the wage regulations regardless of lower or upper limits. During the 19th century, there were a lot of labor unrests and strikes all over the industrial nations. During the century, trade unions were legalized as an attempt to control wages collectively through agreements. However, this made it difficult to have a minimum uniform wage. According to the Principles of political Economy in the year 1848, John Mill Stuart argued that due to the problems that needed collective action, which were faced by workers in the organizations, it was the time to depart from the policies laissez-faire to regulating the hours and the wages of people by the law. In 1980s, Australia and New Zealand saw their first legislative attempts in modern era on regulating minimum wages. The movement was aimed initially on ending sweatshop labor and ensuring the sweatshops proliferation are controlled in the industries that are focusing on manufacturing. The sweatshops hired a large number of young workers and women whom they paid substandard wages. The owners of theShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage Should Be Raised?958 Words   |  4 PagesMinimum Wage Louis Montgomery III English Composition 101 Mrs. Blackwell April 23, 2015 Minimum Wage Do minimum wage jobs help pay the bills? Do minimum wage jobs support the family? Should minimum wage be raised? Will raising the minimum wage reduce poverty? The idea of minimum wage jobs is to help people get work experience without having any skills. Most minimum wage jobs include fast food restaurants and grocery stores. Minimum wageRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised?1062 Words   |  5 Pagesever pressing question regarding Minimum wage. Not many subjects can ignite a controversy as quickly as that of whether or not minimum wage should be raised, or by how much should it be raised or if it should remain the same. What is minimum wage? By definition, minimum wage is the minimum hourly wage an employer can pay an employee for work. (â€Å"†) America’s minimum wage was first introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. That minimum wage was introduced as part of the FairRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised? Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pagesgovernment has so generously termed the â€Å"minimum wage†. In Missouri, the minimum wage has been set at a rather appalling $7.65 per hour while in other states there are wages starting as high as $10. Though arguably the economy is not as sluggish and terrible as it once was, $7.65 per hour will not help those who have children, no college degree and debts to pay. It is not only Missouri that has minimum wage laws, but every other state in America has minimum wage laws in place. Both California and SeattleRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised1145 Words   |  5 PagesThe current minimum wage is $7.25, which equals two gallons of milk, one fast food meal or two gallons of gas. Can you imagine yourself working 12-hours a day and only having enough money to p ay for rent and put food on the table for your family? With working all those long hours, you can barely afford to pay your utility bills and after that you don’t have enough money or time for luxuries like clothing or vacation. You have no savings as matter of fact, you are in a huge debt and you are livingRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised?870 Words   |  4 PagesShould Minimum Wage Be Raised? Minimum wage has always been a controversial issue. Many politicians use the argument of minimum wage for their own political propaganda. Some may argue minimum wage should be raised, while others believe it will have detrimental effects on our economy if it is raised. Surprising to most people, minimum wage earners make up only a small percent of American workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, minimum wage workers make up about 2.8% of all workersRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised935 Words   |  4 PagesMinimum wage is an ongoing debate in the United States. There are some people who think that it should be raised to a higher rate and others who think that it should not. There are many different pros and cons with raising minimum wage. Minimum wage is at a balanced rate that should not be raised due to lack of skill, low education, and economic problems. Jobs that require minimum wage are created for young adults who are in college or high school. They are to help one get one on their feet so thatRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised910 Words   |  4 Pagesmaximize the American Dream on the minimum wage† (Benjamin Todd Jealous). In 1938, minimum wage was created by the federal government in order to protect workers by ensuring a minimum of twenty-five cents per hour worked. Though President Roosevelt had the right idea in protecting the workforce, something needs to be done to ensure that Americans are getting a reasonable amount of money for the amount of hours they have worked. As Benjamin Todd Jealous stated, minimum wage is not enough for the averageRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Raised998 Words   |  4 Pagesprestigious job at such a young age. However that is not the case, if the minimum wage is raised to $15 an hour, a 16 year old could make $18,000 yearly working only 25 hours a week at McDonalds. Now for tee nagers that have goals for college or a car, that would money to set aside for the future, however most 16 year olds do not have those goals in mind yet, so that extra money turns into wasted money. As of February 2016 the minimum wage ranges anywhere from $7.25-$10 across the United States. Florida’sRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Not Be Raised863 Words   |  4 Pagesthan triple the minimum wage. If the minimum wage is increased, it would eliminate people’s incentives to improve. On top of that, inflation would occur, and poverty would virtually stay the same. In addition, raising the minimum wage would bring on hardship for small businesses. Of course, one may argue that the minimum should cover the cost of living, but people should have to work for their money. The minimum wage should not be raised in the United States. If the minimum wage were to go up, peopleRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Not Be Raised858 Words   |  4 PagesRepublican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, is of the opinion that the Minimum wage should not be raised. This is a large issue as the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 is not enough to support basic living costs in a fair number of states. Ted Cruz highlights the consequences of raising the minimum wage yet ignores the cons of it remaining static (Ted Cruz on the Minimum Wage). In an article in The Atlantic, the discussion of the cost of living is brought up. The article talks about how the

Friday, December 13, 2019

Hip Hop Culture Free Essays

There is, of course, a warranty comfortable feeling in being on the right side of the amounts professed ideals. We realize that we cannot be undone without America’s undoing. It is within the gamut of this attitude that the thinking Negro faces America, but the variations of mood in connection with it are f anything more significant than the attitude Itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Hip Hop Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sometimes we have it taken with the defiant Ironic challenge of _Mckay Mine is the future grinding down today Like a great landslip moving to the sea, Bearing its freight of debris far away Where the green hungry waters restlessly Heave mammoth pyramids and break and roar Their eerie challenge to the crumbling shore. Sometimes, perhaps more frequently as yet, in the fervent and almost filial appeal and counsel of Weldon Johnny’s_: O Southland, dear Southland! Then why do you still cling To an Idle age and a musty page, Too dead and useless thing. Who is the author of this piece? How to cite Hip Hop Culture, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

love the way you lie by rihanna and mm free essay sample

Ok i would just like to say I no longer have a hate for Chris Brown. He beat Rihanna and everyone felt so bad for her but now she has a song were she says Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But thats alright Because I like The way it hurts Just gonna stand there And hear me cry But thats alright Because I love The way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie She has a song saying she doesnt care about getting abused! Im sorry but this song,especially for her, is inapropriate. Little girls look up to her, I know my sisters do and the last thing they need is someone they know has been abused saying its ok to be abused. I had respect for Rihanna, I thought she was a good artist and smart but thats no longer true. We will write a custom essay sample on love the way you lie by rihanna and mm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Love the way you lie is a stupid song that has a bad meaning.