Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nursing Reflection - 998 Words

In this essay, I will reflect on taking a patient; whom I shall call Bethany; to and from the theatre. This experience has helped me to understand the importance of parent’s participation in their child’s care. I have also gained a better insight into the type of nurse I will pursue to be. To help structure this essay I am using the framework described by Gibbs (1988). Using this framework, I have provided a strong reflection on the experience and focused on a more child-centred approach. Bethany is a 15-year-old girl, who was admitted to the theatre to have teeth removed and straighten impacted teeth. Before Bethany was taken to surgery, she was under observations to ensure the stability of her clinical status. This included making†¦show more content†¦However, I felt useless as although I was trying to divert the conversation, Bethany continued to ask questions about the surgery. I felt very inefficient as I was unaware of the procedure and so could not give an answer. This may have made Bethany more anxious. She preferred to speak to the nurse as it made her feel comfortable knowing she had someone to talk to who understood the procedure. The communication skills portrayed was vital as it meant that the nurse was able to answer any questions/concerns that Bethany or her mother had. This was proven effective as the patient’s heart rate was higher than normal on entering the surgery, but by talking to the patient, it helped her to relax. I also noticed that that the nurse made Bethany comfortable by ensuring that she had her own belongings, this included her teddy bear, nightgown and slippers. This relieved her anxiety as she had something familiar in an unknown place which calmed her nerves. There were a few aspects of the care that I was concerned about. Firstly, when we were called to collect Bethany from theatre, the nurse collected her 30 mins after the call had been made. 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